• Are you a recently enrolled with Community Roots who has attended no more than 1 introductory session?
• Are you aged 18 or over?
• Are you currently accessing or been accepted but waiting to access local secondary or tertiary NHS mental health services (e.g. a community mental health team, assertive outreach team, etc.)?
The RECOLLECT research team are looking for participants for a study into the effectiveness of Recovery Colleges like Community Roots. The following information comes from the Student Participation Information Sheet and gives an overview of what the study involves.
So how can I take part?
- You can register your interest here
For any other queries or information then please contact: recollect@kcl.ac.uk
Exploring the impact of Recovery Colleges (Community Roots) (Study 1)
This project has been approved by North West - Greater Manchester West Research Ethics Committee [REC Ref 22/NW/0091]

Library Of Lived Experience
Following the successful development of the Library Of Lived Experience in 2023 , Community Roots in partnership with Lancaster University, are developing a Library of Lived Experience (LLE) for LSCft.
A Living Library is a space where people come together to talk openly about things that are important to them. This usually involves people, called Books, putting themselves forward to talk about their personal experience in a short discussion with people visiting the event, called Readers.
Our commitment to our Books will ensure individuals feel supported and their stories valued, building connections across our community to feel heard. You will be supported to educate others in ‘human’ language, sharing hope and finding common ground in what can often feel marginalised experiences, whilst challenging mental health and diversity stigma.
If you would like to know more about training as a Book or Librarian, please email us or complete the Expression of Interest form

Lancashire Citizens
Our partnership alongside Citizens has allowed us to better listen to the communities that we serve. Citizen’s community organising methodology works on the principles of building power within communities and developing leaders. The aim of this is to build relationships and empower people to tackle the issues that matter to them. Through this partnership, we are better able to understand the issues faced by our communities and to work alongside them to build power and take action to change things for the better. Our recent actions have included a community walk in which we walked some of the local area with 40 residents to help us better understand the issues facing them every day. We have also held meetings with local MP’s and councillors as well as an assembly to gain their commitment to working towards Preston becoming a real living wage city.

NHS Charities
A partnership with NHS Charities Together will support the recovery college to improve the lives of patients, and build healthier communities. NHS charities reach every corner of the UK, so by partnering with them can help us to reach to those that need it most, in Lancashire and South Cumbria, every day of the year. NHS Charities Together are an independent charity helping the NHS go further by listening to local teams and investing in great ideas that mean better health and care for NHS staff, volunteers and patients.
The funding will support the health and wellbeing of people in the community, to ease the pressures off our hospitals. Whether it’s through exercise, diet, or by bringing people together – we can help prevent people from getting seriously ill or needing long term support. This project will focus on continued engagement, consultation and co-production of our approach, ensuring the services delivered are consistently responding to the needs of our staff, and service users as we recover from the impacts of Covid-19.
This partnership drives us to be the best we can be so we can help the NHS in Lancashire and South Cumbria go further for the benefit of staff and patients at Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust and the local community. LSCft are one of the Trusts who have since applied for and received grants from NHS Charities together to help us provide the extra support needed to care for our NHS staff, patients and community across Lancashire and South Cumbria
Thanks to the incredible grants received from NHS Charities Together, further staff health and wellbeing projects and initiatives will be undertaken over the coming year.

Health Education England
Developing a partnership between LSCft’s Recovery College, Pennine Care’s Health and Wellbeing College and GMMH’s Recovery Academy we will co-produce a series of courses aimed at improving the understanding of mental health services, law and experiences.
Recovery and Wellbeing Colleges co-produce and co-deliver a wide range of courses, workshops and events with an aim to improve health literacy and reduce health inequalities through the lived and professional experiences of service users, staff and carers. By working across two North West based colleges, we hope to involve as many people with a range of experiences as possible to enhance this offer and agree a North West best practice standard which can be shared across any health or IMHA organisation.
Using co-production methodology, we will explore what areas our communities want to understand better, paying special attention to language and approach used to ensure we #DropTheJargon, creating a safe and inclusive environment.
Initially discussed as part of an awareness programme to improve understanding of the Approved Clinician role, we have identified the benefit of involving experts by experience (EbE) in the development and delivery of health and wellbeing learning opportunities.
Experts by experience (EbE’s) will work alongside Experts by Profession (EbP’s) to co-produce a suite of learning that can be completed in full, or accessed individually by members of the public, staff and service users/ carers. The courses will be delivered through each respective organisation’s Health and Wellbeing services which are open to all over the age of 16.

Change Minds
Change Minds is a ‘culture therapy’ programme that works with people living with mental health challenges. As a member of Change Minds, you will be part of a shared experience of exploring historical mental health records from over one hundred years ago. Over 12 workshops, you will take part in a fascinating journey of learning, creativity and thinking about mental health in the past and today.