Get Involved With Co-Production
Did you know we offer Co-Production Laboratories?
At these informal, exploratory sessions we come together to make improvements to our current courses, based on feedback our learners have shared. We also discuss what is missing, deciding which ideas for new sessions need to be developed.
From here we’ll develop and work alongside a co-production development group (at a mutually agreed time and pace) before trialling new courses/workshops and adding them to our curriculum offer.
You might work within the Trust and want to suggest a project or course that would benefit from a co-production approach, or you may be a registered learner with us who has a great idea for a new opportunity that promotes prevention, recovery and wellbeing
Everyone is welcome to join us on Thursday afternoons, every 2 weeks from 1:30pm – 3:30pm. You can join us online or in person at either of our sites to get involved!
If you’re struggling to join us on a Thursday afternoon we would still love to hear your ideas, you can get in touch with us at or give us a call on 01772 695365 or 01282 628530.
With the involvement of people, we have created an ever-growing curriculum offer to support people’s well-being and throughout the process have gained amazing feedback!
- “To me I feel co-production can help tailor sessions to reflect the needs of the community. It can support and develop relationships, improve confidence, enhance strengths of you and others while gathering a real understanding together. It’s really powerful regardless of who you are!”
- ‘Co-production makes me feel like people care about what matters to me, they value my opinion’
- ‘I feel like I have choices around decisions that may affect me personally’
Session Dates:
Co-Production Explained - Tuesday 2 July 2.30pm to 4pm
Co-Production With Clinicians - Wednesday 10 July 10.30am to 12pm
Co-Production Explained - Wednesday 28 August from 2.30pm to 4.30pm
Co-Production Explained - Thursday 5 September from 10.30am to 12pm